20th General Assembly and 30th Anniversary Celebration 2nd Announcement

August 6, 2012

To my fellow MAG members,

Warmest greetings!

This is in line with our upcoming 20th General Assembly and 30th Anniversary Celebration on October 13, 2012. The time and venue will be announced soon.

Highlights of the 20th GA will be the accomplishment report from the Chairperson and the Treasurer’s report; the adoption and approval of the 2-year organizational plan and the election of new set of Board of Trustees for 2012-2014.

Particular for the election of the new set of officers, we have designated the following members as the electoral committee:

1. Dr. Emilia Palencia Aquino as the committee Chair

2. Dr. Aurora A. Parong, Member

3. Dr. Yvonne Eligado-Entico, Member

They will be informing you soon of the important dates to consider in our upcoming General Assembly.

We will continue to update on the preparation, please check our Facebook account http://www.facebook.com/medicalactiongroup, website http://www.magph.org/

and email address mag.1982@magph.org.  If you have new contact numbers or address kindly inform Amy Ng-Abcede at 433-15-94 or her mobile no. 0928-505-7294.

Your presence and active participation in our upcoming General Assembly and Anniversary celebration will further strengthen our commitment towards attaining our organization’s vision of Health and Human Rights for All.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,


Petronilo Lenin Pascual, M.D.


Medical Action Group, Inc.