It was in early 1982 when FLAG lawyer led by Sen. Jose W. Diokno and Dr. Mita Pardo De Tavera who had been in the forefront of the legal battle for the respect of basic human rights , urged physicians to form a medical organization that will assist in documenting evidences of cases of torture to political prisoners.
MAG formed the Philippine Action Concerning Torture (PACT) in 1986 to extend medical and psychological services especially to torture survivors.
It was through the assistance of the United Nations Volunteer Fund for Torture (UNVFT) to deliver more systematically victims and survivors of torture, thus MAG formed the Philippine Action Concerning Torture (PACT) in 1986 to extend medical, dental and psychological services especially to torture survivors. MAG is guided with the Principles of Medical Ethics, Declaration of Tokyo of the World Medical Association and other ethical codes of health care providers.
PACT, one of MAGs major program has been instrumental in raising awareness on torture cases. MAG is among the non-government organization / civil society organization (NGO’s / CSO’s) in conducting medical documentation cases of victims of torture using the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment known as the Istanbul Protocol is the first set of United Nation international guidelines for documentation of torture and its consequences.
Objectives of the PACT: 1. To provide immediate access of health services for the torture survivors including their families; 2. To monitor their health conditions; 3. To provide psychosocial treatment and rehabilitation; and 4. to document incident of torture; |