Health workers under attack: AFP’s new targets

The Medical Action Group, Inc. (MAG) is in solidarity with other health organizations in denouncing  the direct assault, detention and torture of more than forty health professionals and health workers last February 6, 2010 at Morong, Rizal province and condemning a new wave of repression against health rights defenders.

 “This is a blunt show of the AFPs disrespect to the people’s right to health. Their incapacity and failure to curb insurgency in the communities have led them to target the civilians and medical professionals, and whoever is handy,” said Edeliza Hernandez, executive director of the Medical Action Group. 

 According to information, the victims were subjected to various forms of mental and physical torture.

“The ill humane treatment inflicted is clearly a straight face violation of the Anti-torture law and is a criminal offense. The AFP and the Arroyo government is guilty without doubt in desecrating human rights.”, Hernandez added.

 With these, MAG supports the call to the health community to speak out and bring its forces affront when systematic attacks are carried on and when the people’s right to health are being curtailed.