“Change for the Planet – Care for the People”

DKA Austria #Orthman 

Superhero (video) campaign ÖRTHMAN on COP21 in Paris. It is part of the international campaign “Change for the Planet – Care for the People” of the international alliance of Catholic development agencies CIDSE: http://www.cidse.org/rethinking-development/change-for-the-planet-care-for-the-people.html

The story:

We have invented an Austrian super hero: ÖRTHMAN (Earthman – the spelling follows the German pronunciation; “Ö” also connotes “Österreich”/Austria and “Ökologie”/Ecology) has saved the planet from doom by fighting his evil counterparts with his super forces all his life. And now? The life on earth is again threatened but it’s not so easy anymore to identify the evildoers. Millions of people are contributing are to the destruction of the planet but not following an evil plan but simply by their consumerist lifestyle. ÖRTHMAN has realised that this time he won’t be able to save the world as a lone hero with “boom – kraboom!” but he will need the “crowd”. He has to build alliances with people all over the world who don’t want to see the world facing ruin. He is looking for other “ordinary super heros” like you and me who join the movement to save the world.

As it is a campaign that focuses on young people it is mainly in German language but it has English subtitles for the videos.

You can watch the first one here:

The others will follow ….

We would be very happy if you could like and spread the video among your contacts and friends using the hashtag #oerthman or by simply sharing the video from ÖRTHMAN’s facebook site https://www.facebook.com/oerthman

Furthermore it would be really great if you could post some messages on facebook, to get impressions from the whole world and therefore raise the power of our superhero ÖRTHMAN and his aim to save the planet – by mobilizing people and to showcase alternative that already exist across the globe.