Descriptive study on violations committed in prescription forms

Drugs are among the most powerful tools available to doctors today. They can successfully combat life-threatening diseases and bring relief to sufferers from innumerable disorders. For most of us, taking drugs and medicines prescribed by the doctors or bought over the counter is a common experience. Yet, few of us are aware of why drugs are prescribed, how they work, and what potential dangers they represent.

Prescription drugs are distinguished by the fact that they require the authorization and supervision of a physician for their use. This authorization is usually given in the form of a written prescription which is made after a physician has determined that a person has a specific condition that will benefit from taking a specific drug. The prescriptions issued by physicians are considered to be very important in terms of its use for the patient. It is an official document which indicates the name of the drug, the dosage, the quantity of the drug to be issued under that prescription and very specific instructions for its use. Therefore, directions in the prescriptions should be clear and handwriting should be legible, among others. These aspects in the issuance of prescriptions to patients have a significant impact on the health of patients and consumers. More than anything else, it must be noted that errors within the prescriptions are risks to human health since prescription drugs must be carefully taken in with the appropriate directions. Moreover, the authority of the physicians to recommend a medical drug also depends on the prescriptions they issue.

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