MAG and support groups paid courtesy call on the EU Delegation to the Philippines


European Union (EU) Delegation to the Philippines’ First Secretary Jerome Riviere (fourth from left, standing) and Mr. Margarito Raynera, Jr., Programme Officer (first from right, standing), meets with members of the Medical Action Group (MAG), Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP), Veronica Cabe (seated, center) of Coal Free Bataan Movement (CFBM) and, relatives and support groups of slain human rights defender Gloria Capitan of Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mamamayan ng Lucanin (SMNL).

The killing of human rights defender Gloria Capitan as president of SNML and known environmental rights defender of Mariveles, Bataan highlights those defenders who are working on land and environmental issues in connection with so-called “development projects” facing a particularly ‘high risk of violations’.

Ms. Capitan was actively involved in opposing the construction and presence of huge coal stockpiles facility located inside the Seafront Shipyard and Port Terminal Services Corporation, near their neighborhood owned by the Limay Bulk and Terminal Handling Corp.

The group discussed the on-going European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Action and updated the Delegation about the people’s campaign against coal and general human rights situation in Bataan province during their courtesy call on the Delegation last July 14, 2016. (photo courtesy of the EU Delegation to the Philippines)