In an effort to promote accountability for human rights violations, the Medical Action Group (MAG) conducted a two-day capacity building to medical doctors to strengthen their documentation and investigation practices. The training entitled, “UNCOVERING THE BODY OF EVIDENCE: A Physicians’ Training for Medico Legal Documentation”, was held on October 4-5, 2018. Training participants are mainly municipal health officers, who serve as public doctors in their areas.
The training comprised of: roles of doctors in pursuing access to justice and promotion of human rights; medico legal policies in the Philippines; guidelines and techniques in conducting autopsy; crime scene investigation; and types and preservation of evidence. The resource persons are Dr. Nemuel Fajutagana, MAG Chairperson and a professor in University of the Philippines-Manila, and Dr. Cecil Lim, a forensic pathologist and a professor in the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines-Manila.