The Medical Action Group, Inc. (MAG)

At the height of the Marcos Dictatorship, a group of doctors and concerned individuals saw the need for the health sector to collectively respond and speak against the grave human rights violations perpetuated by the regime. Thus, in April 16, 1982, the Medical Action Group was born.

As a non-stock, non-profit organization of physicians, nurses, dentists, psychologists, health students, and health workkers, MAG promotes and defends the human rights of all peoples. Since its inception, it has rendered total health services to the urban poor, political prisoners, internally displaced peoples and workers.

MAG continues to work for a society whose citizens can freely exercise their rights without fear of repression. This society, however, is far from being realized as human rights violations escalate. In the 1990’s not only civil and political rights but also economic, social and cultural rights were trampled upon. As of September 30, 2004, 283 political prisoners languish in jail for common crimes.

As we move forward in the next millenium, MAG is committed to consolidate the ranks of health care providers from the community to the national level to define a health care agenda that recognizes the capacities of all peoples of the Philippines to shape a health program that is relevant and responsive to their needs.


The Medical Action Group envisions a society where fundamental human rights are upheld and protected at all times in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration Human Rights.


With stalwart support and collaboration with various health and human rights organizations, MAG shall advocate and support actions and advocacies that promote accessibility, appropriateness and effectiveness of health care to all people.


To achieve the vision and mission of MAG, it shall:

  1. Provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services to victims of human rights violations regardless of gender, race, creed, religion, nationality, social status or political beliefs.
  2. Organize, educate and mobilize health professionals, students and workers not only as health care providers to victims of human rights violations but also as human rights advocates: and,
  3. Unite with other advocates in conducting advocacy campaigns, which will ensure the health rights and human rights are protected and promoted.


Campaigns against the continued violations of the people’s right to health.

  • Organizes/mobilizes necessary resources for health services.
  • Maintains a resource center including books, manuals, audiovisuals and other educational materials pertaining to health and human rights.
  • Publishes a quarterly news magazine that carries news and information on the health and human rights situation in the country and abroad.
  • Educates the beneficiaries on their right to health to help them participate in shaping an alternative health care system.
  • Campaigns for the abolition of torture as well as the welfare of the other beneficiaries.
  • Conducts fact-finding missions, exhumations and autopsy to victims of extrajudicial executions.
  • Monitors the health condition of workers in the picket line or farmers on hunger strike.

Join Us!

You can help MAG achieve Health and Human Rights for all Filipinos by: * Volunteering your services in the outpatient clinic, outreach clinics, medical missions, detention center clinics and emergency services.

  • Extending your skills in documentation and research. Acting as resource person for group discussions on health and human rights and skills training.
  • Co-sponsoring symposia, forum, discussion groups on relevant health and human rights issues.
  • Donating books, audiovisual materials and other literature related to health and human rights.
  • Donating medical supplies and medicines.
  • Extending moral, financial and material assistance to MAG’s various programs and services.