

April 20, 2012


Join us this Saturday (April 21, 2012)

7a.m. – 10a.m.

U.P. Diliman – Sunken Garden

PAHRA (Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates), families of Martial Law victims and other Human Rights Defenders will gather to Inform, Inspire and to Remember Martial Law 40 years after it was first declared on September 21, 1972 by the ousted Ferdinand Marcos.

This activity is a continuation of our national campaign to Remember ML @ 40. Every 21st of the month, from March 21 until September 21 of this year,we shall strive to have our country’s younger generation remember thedark years of the  martial law period through a series ofjogging-running-walking-biking-kite flying, and sharing activities.

The overall aim of this campaign is to compel the Philippine Congress to urgently pass the Compensation Bill for Victims of Human Rights Violation almost three decades after the Marcos Dictatorship was forcefully terminated through a successful People’s Power Uprising on February 25, 1986.

please refer also to our on-line campaign

facebook : #RememberML@40

For more information and/or details, please contact:

Mr. RASTI DELIZO (PAHRA-Campaigns Staff Volunteer)

@celfone #: 099908092461/office #: 436-26-33