
  • MAG at 30!

    CALLING ALL MAG MEMBERS: Initial announcement for our 30th Anniversary and 20th General Assembly: WHEN: 1:00 – 6:00 P.M. October 13, 2012 WHERE: To be announced later (TBAL) Kindly call our office at 433-1594 / email: / mobile:  0928-905-5920 and look for Dr. Amy Abcede – Head, Membership Committee) Health and Human Rights for…

  • Medical Action Group (MAG) response to the nuclear test by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

    Statement Medical Action Group (MAG) response to the nuclear test by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea The abolition of nuclear weapons is a fundamental human right in a democratic world. The Medical Action Group (MAG), a member of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) is deeply concerned over the nuclear…

  • #RememberML@40!

    MEDIA ADVISORY April 20, 2012 #RememberML@40! Join us this Saturday (April 21, 2012) @ 7a.m. – 10a.m. U.P. Diliman – Sunken Garden PAHRA (Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates), families of Martial Law victims and other Human Rights Defenders will gather to Inform, Inspire and to Remember Martial Law 40 years after it was first declared on…

  • The London Declaration On Poverty and Torture

    We, the undersigned, Council Members of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), representing health professionals and other relevant professionals who provide multidisciplinary rehabilitation for victims and survivors of torture throughout the world, gathered at the Annual Council Meeting in London, United Kingdom, 9 and 10 November 2011, are alarmed by the level of…

  • The importance of the OPCAT and the role of doctors and other health professionals in preventative visits

    The Medical Action Group (MAG) is a health and human rights organizations which envisions a society where fundamental human rights are upheld at protected at all times in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). MAG is a member of the United Against Torture Coalition (UATC)-Philippines. The right to reparation for victims of a wrongful act…

  • Civil society group calls for sincere, transparent peace talks

    Manila, Feb. 16 – Quezon City resounded with the call for sincerity and transparency in the ongoing peace talks between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the National Democratic Front (NDF) in Norway, as a civil society movement on Tuesday marched the busy Elliptical Road from Philcoa to QC Memorial Circle, armed with bells,…

  • Rights group: RP ‘nothing’ to report on prevention of torture

    A human rights group said the Philippine government might be able to submit to a United Nations body a “near-empty” report card on the progress of its compliance with an agreement against torture and other inhuman acts. “We have seen that not much progress can be reported with regards to the compliance of the Philippine government…

  • Aquino urged to criminalize acts of enforced disappearance

    As it observed the International Day of the Disappeared on Monday, an alliance of human rights organizations urged President Aquino to criminalize acts of enforced disappearances in accordance with a United Nations’ resolution on the issue. The Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) urged the President to certify as urgent the passage of a bill seeking to make enforced…

  • Group presses for prosecution of cops in torture mess

    An anti-torture advocate group is calling for the prosecution of suspects in the torture of an alleged thief in a police precinct in Manila’s Tondo district. The United Against Torture Coalition (UATC)-Philippines made the call after the main suspect Senior Inspector Joselito Binayug denied during last Thursday’s Senate hearing he was thepolice officer shown in a cell…

  • More than inquiry must be done, prosecute Binayug and punish all torturers

    PRESS RELEASE August 27, 2010 This is the call of the United Against Torture Coalition (UATC)-Philippines on the denial of Senior Inspector Joselito Binayug during a Senate hearing that he was the police officer shown in a video torturing an alleged robbery suspect in a police precinct in Asuncion, Tondo. The coalition said “while we…